Aeropure customers will experience the peace of mind from knowing what exactly is in the air in their home or business directly from a mircobial scientist. Our in-house scientist carefully reviews all results from third-party accredited labs and performs in-house testing. A comprehensive air quality report and recommended remediation outline (if requested) will then be drafted based on expert review of lab results and data gathered.  Unlike solely hiring remediation companies, we test and offer long term solutions for indoor air contaminants with specific procedures designed to directly treat the source of the impurities.


About us

We combined the expertise of an experienced microbial scientist and an experienced HVAC professional to provide the best results and recommendations for an industry that struggles to connect the scientific results to physical solutions.  We specialize in taking care of indoor air quality by testing for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), asbestos, mold, allergens and other contaminants that can pose a health risk. We also inspect HVAC systems to detect the presence of mold or other allergens. Through our reports, you’ll know the air quality of the space you’re living in and be able to take the necessary steps to improve it.

We will work directly with your remediation services to help eliminate any issues we may find during our inspection process. Our goal is to help provide clean, healthy air for all residential and commercial spaces.  Let’s create an environment where everyone can breathe easily by contacting Aeropure Solutions today!

Air testing companies

Customers will experience the peace of mind from knowing what exactly is in the air in their home/business!

Air Testing Company

It's Time to Get Your Place Checked by Our Expert Indoor Air Quality Scientist!

Our indoor air quality scientist provides you with the best knowledge and services in the fields of asbestos, mold and allergen testing. We are not like traditional air testing companies that provide only temporary solutions-we strive to give a complete plan and permanent solution. Our team will go through each step with expertise and accuracy to inspect every aspect of your indoor air quality.

After completing their inspection, our scientist will review their findings with you, giving you full disclosure about any issues or potential problems found within your home. From there, they will provide you with customized recommendations on the best course of action for remediating any issues present in your home’s indoor air.

Mold is a serious problem that should not be ignored. Not only is it an eyesore, but mold in your home can cause health problems and damage to the structure of your house. The most common types of mold grow in damp environments, such as basements and bathrooms. Mold releases spores into the air that can irritate skin and lungs, as well as trigger allergies or asthma attacks in some people. In addition, continually breathing in poor-quality air can lead to long-term respiratory issues. It’s important to identify any areas where mold is growing and take steps to eliminate it quickly before it spreads further.

Contact Our Air Testing Company Today!

At Aeropure, we understand that air quality is an important factor in keeping your home safe and healthy. That’s why we employ the latest technology to test your home for mold, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), odor-causing substances, and other potentially hazardous substances. We are committed to providing comprehensive testing services to ensure that your home is free from these harmful elements. VOCs are one of the most dangerous elements present in many homes.

VOCs are a naturally occurring gases that can be introduced into your home through several means and can cause serious health problems if it accumulates indoors over time. Unlike some companies that only offer mold testing services, our company provides complete testing of VOCs from your home or office environment, with the best VOC testing services available. 

Our company is also regarded as the best air allergen testing company. Allergen testing is the best way to identify any allergens present in the air, such as dust mites, pet dander, and pollen, which can trigger allergies in some people and cause long-term health problems if left unchecked. With our comprehensive allergen testing services, you can be sure that your home's air quality remains high and free from these dangerous substances. Contact us today for more information about our air testing services.

indoor air quality inspector

What Makes Us the Ideal Mold Testing Company?

At Aeropure, we are proud to offer the highest-quality mold testing services available. Our team possesses a 4-year bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences with Health Professions Concentration. We also possess certifications by the ACAC, EPA, NORA, and the PA DLI. Our team has combined 6 years of lab experience and over 10+ years in indoor air quality services.


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